Saturday, July 23, 2011

I have a lot of toons

I used to have more. My lvl 83 Troll warrior had to go because Troll just didn't seem like the right race for a warrior. I never felt right playing him. Deleted. Went Forsaken for the new one, which I know has crappy racials for tanking, but something about this curved-spined, decrepit, rotting husk of a toon being a badass, smash your face tank made me smile. That and the Forsaken are my favorite race. Had a DK at 80, was my only Alliance toon on a realm full of Horde and needed that 10th spot for a reroll. Deleted. Had a hunter who sat at 30-something for a long time. Was my 3rd toon, but coming right after my lock, a range class with a pet seemed too similar. She became my banker for years. Grinded her up to 40 and bought her a Mechano-hog with all the perfect 'banker' gear to make her shine. But I wanted her name for my new paladin, which would be my 2nd paladin, never got into that first one since I mostly power-leveled him for proffs. Now that first pally is my banker/inscript/alch. Sometime he tanks stuff. I've rolled several locks. Just love the class. My very first toon was a Human rogue. I abandoned him within a week and rolled my actual main, a Forsaken warlock (who I recently faction/realm xfer'd into a Worgen, worst idea ever, love the new guild, totally lost connection to this foreign character with some new weird name). He's not the toon I got 50'000+ HKs on. He's not the toon I cleared Ulduar on without a single raid member dying, then defeated Yogg in 226< gear. Nor the toon I "Seek"ed out massive quantities of "Lore" on. Nor the character I not once, not twice, but thrice nabbed the grand prize at the Stranglethorn Vale Fishing Extravaganza on. Two weeks in a row for the first 2. Won it a few other times on my alts. My realm should hate me. But I digress back to that first toon.

This rogue languished at 20-something for years, I just couldn't bare myself to delete him considering he was the toon I first discovered Azeroth on. I had him wearing a 'dress' with intel and spirit because I didn't know any better. I managed to gain 2 or 3 more levels on him in just as many years. I rolled another rogue in this time, and having to deal with the 10 toon limit per realm I realized I had to sacrifice one soldier to help keep the army growing. I have even more toons than those listed above. I just got bored filling out the form-page to add them.

This wall o' text started out as my introduction to the current start of class while leveling and their unbalanced OP-ness in the BGs. Since The Shattering I have rerolled every single class mainly to kick ass in the BGs and I've yet to fail at do so on any of them. My disc priest, currently... 30 something is still getting top damage and top heals in every BG. Putting those huntards to shame. My 51 hunter has only ever been beaten out, by another hunter. My rogue, fugitabotit. My frost mage... well you know how badass they are in the bgs, don't need to got there but just fyi, she was doing 2k+ at 65 on BC dungeon bosses. Remember when Wrath launched and 2k dps was the standard required when pug'n heroics in trade? "LFM HoL pls do 2k+"... lol. I have her parked at 70 now, thinking about xfer'n her to a BC raiding guild. Could really use that 2nd alch xmute though... decisions, decisions...

Anyhow, perhaps my next post will actually delve into the fantastic and frustrating (depending which side you're on) world of low-level BG OPness amongst (F.U. Blooger spellcheck!). Lord know it's been one of my most favorite parts of this expansion. 


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