Saturday, May 19, 2012

Is WoW better on busy servers?

Reply to MMOChamp forum post. Is WoW better on busy servers?

After playing on my medium pop BC-era realm for a couple years I started rolling and leveling random alts on various realms in an effort to get a feel for their differences. I leveled on Full realms, Day 1 launch realms, new player realms, RPpvp realms, about 15-20 realms in all. I spend some time on these realms too, not just running a lvl 1 to Org or SW to check out trade chat, but leveling them to 20, 40, 60 or even 80 during Wrath and into Cata.

*This is subjective and only my perception of things in regard to how I like to play, but... 

In my experience, it's not so much that busy servers are better (though they are, but that's not the point), it's that low pop and even many medium pop are worse. There's realms out there where not a single word is said in trade for hours on end, except the occasional LFW or LFG. It takes forever to find someone to craft something for you. There's like 1 semi-big guild who still hasn't killed that last boss on regular in whatever tier. Servers that don't even have enough player to pug a BH.  These low pop realms often have greatly jacked up Auction Houses where 1 guy will monopolize any given market because he just doesn't have any competition. PVP realms where you might run into 1 opposing faction player every couple weeks or every 10 levels. If you're lucky you might find one guy that's half way good at arena and hopefully you make a good 2s comp, cuz you're probably not going to find a decent 3rd and pretty much no chance on 2 more for a 5s team. Going from my comfy medium pop realm and playing on these lower pop ones just flat out made me depressed. I enjoy single player questing and can get lost in that for hours on end, but whenever I hearth into a deserted city it just just felt sad and wrong. 

The worst part is that more and more servers are degrading into these inactive, lower pop realms due to years of paid realm transfers and dropping subscriptions. There's about a dozen realms that just keep getting "better' while the other 200 just keep getting worse. (pulled that number out of my butt, don't know how many total servers there are, but my point is valid).

So yes, busy servers are better for the most part and in my estimate will continue to get even better. They definitely offer more activity and options in how you want to play. I actually feel sorry for people stuck on these really low pop servers and I wonder what WoW is for them on their realm. 

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