I want my own Guild Vault or Stash. I want a central bank, storage, etc. that only my alts on my realm have access to. The convenience of not having to look through my altoholic tabs/pop ups and see which toon has what materials then log in and out and mail various stuff to the one character who needs those items would be a major quality of life improvement in the game for me. I even briefly had my own guild just for my 10 alts on my main realm for this vary reason and it was grand. No more hopping from alt to alt to get stuff. No more struggling with what alt should hold on to my herbs, one of my 3 alchemists or one of 2 my herbalist? I traded in the perks of my recently broken up lvl 25 guild for the ease of supporting and supplying my alts with the stuff they needed. Ultimately being in this self imposed isolation took it's toll and I brought all my alts to a new guild leaving my 1 non lvl 85 as the tried and true banker alt with it's own guild. But it left me wondering why WoW doesn't have a feature to more easily share items across same account characters? Diablo 3 has this, why not WoW? It even seems like implementing a private storage would elevate system resources for Blizzard and it's severs. All those log in servers being used every time you have to hop over to an alt for just a minute. It'd reduce the system resources of your own computer by not having to load a new character with all it's add-on's and the world/city graphics of whatever area it's currently in. Instead just a storage or bank, a simple window of stored icons that only loads when you need it. I don't know how the game/system works for this kind of stuff, this is just my layman speculation.
So my suggestion for fixing this while also combating another issue Blizzard seems to be currently concerned with, The Gold Sink Personal Vault Storage! Basically allow any toon on an account to go purchase a guild vault that only characters on that account and realm would have access to. Set it up the same as guild vaults and charge an increasing amount for every tab in it. I'd gladly pay any cost for a feature like this. I'd glady pay 100,000 gold out of my current 550,000 gold just for 1 tab. I personally don't even need much space. Just enough to store elemental mats all professions use while having enough space left over to drop the mats an alt collects in any given day so when I log over to another toon he can pick them up and add them to his personal bank.
Simple and brilliant right?