Sunday, September 30, 2012

"Los Pollos Ardiente"

Never bring a single Phoenix Hatchling to a 3 Phoenix Hatchling fight.
He knew this day would come. It was inevitable. The world of underground pet battles is harsh, where sometimes even the victor limps away to die. There is no loyalty in pet battles, you serve your roll, you live or die, for the team. Most team mates don't even bother learning your name. Why bother, one of you will probably be dead by tomorrow. If you do manage to stay alive long enough though, you're bound to re-enter the circle with former foes and allies alike. It's just a matter of time. This was different though. This wasn't just some rag-tag band of brawlers Dave was confronted with. This was his former gang, "Los Pollos Ardiente". Deemed too small and too weak to a be a contender, their leader Rico had Dave "jumped out" right before what was supposed to be his first battle. Then to add insult to injury they had him replaced with an Ash Chicken. But that was many patches ago, way back in beta and time heals all wounds. Dave recovered, grew stronger and now was a whole level higher than his former brothers. Dave looked them each square in the eye. First Johnny, then the other Johnny before finally setting his stare on Rico. Dave could see it in his eyes... fear. He played out this fight over a million times in his head and he knew exactly how this was going down. Dave was ready. Ready for that sweet, sweet revenge.

My Cata Transmogrification Time Capsule - Warlock

Before my pretty transmog sets get ruined by all those MoP quest greens I decided to take a few pics to remember what my guys were rocking in the fashion department. For the most part I just used what I've held onto or could quickly acquire.

Evilest - Forsaken Warlock
Interestingly my lock left Cata looking pretty much the same as he did starting out. What I refer to as the "Lord Godfrey" set, but Space Cowboy is another way it's been described. Pretty much every clothie early in Cataclysm wore a least a few of these pieces in either red, purple or white and typically all three colors at the same time which kind of ruined the simple elegance to this set. The various pieces were pretty ubiquitous through the launch content found in quest rewards, rep vendors, 5-mans, and even crafted through tailoring.The problem in coordinating these sets in terms of fashion was that it lead to horrible itemization. If you wanted a full red or white or purple set of this armor you were wearing pieces with +spirit +hit +resilience. Not exactly the kind of stats you want when tackling WoW's revisit to difficult heroic 5-man dungeons. My following transmog set will clearly illustrate how bad of an armor set you have to put together, just to look so good. Links and stuff below the photo.

* yes, I swapped out my Dragonwrath for this xmog set, I just think the heroic Lightnight Rod works so perfectly having such a complimentary hue and when that Power Torrent flame turns purple, it's like BAM!
I've never been 100% on this cloak TBH, I've held on to it for years and it seemed to match well, but I'm sure if I put some time in I'd find a cloak that I feel better about. Pepe's Shroud of Pacification (trash drop in Battle for Mt. Hyjal) is a more flashy option, but a little too "peacock-ish" for my tastes.

 Make sure to match your transmog with your mount!

Oh the lagmanity!

Pre-Mop launch the Alliance guild Onitall on Nordrassil-US wanted to come by and hang out in Orgrimmar one last time before heading off to that misty island. Level 90 guards be damned, they hung in there a good hour.