It's been roughly 24 hours since the servers came back online with all their new 4.3 goodness. I've been going pretty much non-stop since last night and and after this marathon session I have to say it's (mostly) all good.
Transmogrification - 5 out of 5 Yeehaw's!
Works pretty much as they said it would and as the PTR reflected, restrictions aside. Blizzard needs to loosen the armor type restrictions so classes can xmog lower armor quality items they once used on to their current gear. There are many pallys and warriors who saved that Scarlet Crusader chain mail who sadly can't do anything with it. Me included. I'm not one of these players who spent the last several weeks grinding old raids for old tier and weapons, but I was still looking forward to this feature. First stop was the warlock and xmog'n the t8 Deathbringer set from the days of Ulduar. When I aquired this gear I was Forsaken and looked just like Apothecary Putress from the Battle for Angrathar the Wrathgate and even though I'm now a worgen it's still a great looking set. From the full makeover to the minor 1 item change such as my enhance shaman belt looking like the resto one and thus matching the Firelands tier. I hate looking like a hunter! There's no shaman tier matching belt in game for enhancement.... so 1 slot xmog'd on him and I'm a happy sham.
Something I didn't expect, but the urge to start collecting xmog gear for my alts quickly kicked in. I xmog'd a leather eye patch helm on my rogue but wanted to keep going for a full set on her, specifically trying to get the Savory Deviate Delight ninja look, it's going to be an under taking. I took my rarely played pally out to the Shatt badge vendor to start working on a blood knight set. I can already see transmogrification being a very time intensive and invigorating aspect of play for most of us. Getting people back in the old raids, doing random obscure quests from all expansions just to get that 1 cool looking piece of gear they want. Grinding more reps to exalted to buy up those old pvp sets from BC, etc... It's all a good thing and super fun.
The new 5-man Heroics - 4.5 Woohoo's out of 5!
They're fun! They're quick! They have many of our favorite characters in them! They drop gorgeous loots! That one with the Echos is great since every time you go in you'll get 2 out of 4 possible boss fights which keep it fresh and interesting. You don't have to grind through needless waves and rows of mobs/patrols. That last boss in End Time with the 5 hourglasses that reset all your CDs OMG that fight is sooooo fun for dps! I blew though these new dungeons on my prot warrior with guildies for time and it was pretty easy mode. Yet, even with the great resource of the Dungeon Journal available my dungeon finder groups struggled and had some wipes. Freaking noobs. I've run all the new instances a few times with guild and randoms on my prot warr, prot pally, hunter, rogue, but I am apprehensive about queuing up on my resto sham or disc priest... Many fights from trash to bosses are healing intensive for 'steamroll with no CC tanks' and players who don't know what's going on. But for any group of experienced raiders/players they're pretty much cake.
Dragon Soul + Raid Finder - 2.5 blahs out of 5
Only the first 4 bosses are available for now under Raid Finder. These nerfed versions of the Dragons Soul raid encounters are practically retard proof from what I'm hearing. Even my guilds worst raiders completed all the available bosses. I haven't been in myself, I'm holding off to run the regular version tonight with my 10 guild group. Our super team 10 man group who went into the real raid last night got 5 bosses down in 3-4 hours. If this is in fact that last raid content Cata it's going to be worse than ICC which didn't even have all the bosses available until a month or so after patch release. 3 gem socketed gear makes me a happy JC especially when you consider all these dudes who gem up and chant their Raid Finder tier who are only going to be replacing those slots with the real thing in the next week or 2. I've sold 50+ gems 10+ leg armors at crazy expensive prices since last night meanwhile all my toons are running around with empty sockets. Love patch day!
Void Storage - 1.5 ehhhs out of 5
Expensive, 100g to unlock feature, 25g per item you put in. Any gear you place in storage will have it's enchants and gems stripped. Yes I'm overly sentimental over my past epics, but I want all my previous armor sets and tier to be kept in their original "time capsule" condition. I earned that gear, used that gear, grinded reps for chants and farmed for hours for mats or gold to gem and chant them. I want them to stay as they were when I last raided in them. Thus my main, who has sadly had to delete items i'd rather not have in the name of bag space was only able to put old trinkets, wands other random untreated gear in void storage. This wasn't the feature I thought it would be or that I was hoping for. I managed to free up a couple dozen slots altogether, which is fantasic, but ultimately was turned off by the restrictions of Void Storage.
Tyrael's Charger - (negative) -1 ewwws out of 5
There were more of these ugly ass mounts in Stormwind and even Org today than there were the Winged Guardian when it was released. F'n noobs, either get a badass mount that you actually had to earn through rep grinds or raids or just stick with your plane ass old "I don't care" gryphons and windriders. I getting really sick and disgusted by all these rehash, reskinned zero effort mounts they just keep dumping on people. I've been in a couple dozen Bearly Made It runs and never once rolled on that pink easter egg ripoff bear. Finally i was the only one in group who didn't have one so I ended up with it... I see that thing I it just looks like a cheap imitation of the once unique, glorious badass looking War Bear. These new mounts from Darkmoon Faire with their Darkmoon Faire colors are gag inducing. We need more unique flying mounts, not ground mounts too.
There's more, but I'm le tired.
*Dictated but not read or spell-checked by Angry Raider