Friday, November 16, 2012

Valor of the Ancients - buff not enuff

I greatly appreciate this buff, it's a step in the right direction on behalf of the WoW devs. The VotA buff demonstrates to me how they understand and want to help the plight of the altoholics. Yet, I'm still struggling capping out 3 toons. After tracking my Valor Point progression across my lvl 90 alts the last couple weeks I've come to the conclusion that it's just not enough.

Currently I have 3 level 90s I'm playing regularly yet for the last couple week there I am on Sunday/Monday cramming trying to get that 1000 VP on the last 2. I've failed every week. The problem lays in the great end game divide between these characters progression. I raid on my main warlock which yields 5 or 6 bosses worth of valor, but I don't run heroics on him anymore and now that he's exalted with several factions I'm not doing as many dailies as I once was. For my 2 alts I have a Prot Pally and  Resto Sham, both do a lot of dailies still, run a lot of heroics for gear and get quick queues, but I'm not raiding on either yet so by the time the weekend hits all 3 of my toons are roughly about half capped. By Thursday or Friday one of them is usually in the lead by 100 points, but that still leaves several hundred I have to grind out before that VotA buff kicks in which has been leaving me just a couple days to work with. I'm sure I'm not alone in this problem. I have a simple solution though. 

Allow this buff to kick in once 1000 valor points have been accrued across all your characters. Bam! I see this buff lighting up by the end of the raid week every Thursday night leaving me most of the rest of the week to get these points capped without have to sweat it out. If the devs are going to offer a buff they need to commit to the spirit behind it and go full bore. Too many times I see interesting or helpful additions to the game that are executed in a rather half-ass manner. It's like a hastily applied bandage that only halfway covers the wound. Anything that's worth doing is worth doing right. It'd be great to see this buff reapplied so it actually treats the issue of excessive player grinding, because in it's current form it's only mildly alleviating the pain.

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